Dr. Tony Myers, CFRE, PhD
Tony’s Superpowers:
Strategic Planning
Board governance and development
Major gift fundraising
Recent Projects:
Royal Tyrell Museum Cooperating Society
Covenant Foundation
To contact Tony:
O: 403-210-3157
Senior Counsel
Tony Myers is a passionate enthusiast, fundraiser, consultant, strategist, author, speaker, and executive coach who loves to raise money, loves to ask for money, and loves to teach others how. He has acquired a lifetime of experience in working on 6 continents with large and small nonprofit organizations undergoing change.
His career has evolved by continually undertaking leadership roles with organizations immersed in change and transition. His expertise lies in helping leaders realize their vision and mission. He is internationally recognized for his ability to mold strategic direction, bring about change, develop revenue generation plans and successfully launch and complete major fundraising programmes and campaigns.
In all his work, Tony’s approach is to listen first, to seek deep understanding, to identify the challenges his clients face and then together find a way to meet challenges head on. He draws on his experience in setting up four charitable foundations across Canada, as advisor to several NGO leaders including two university presidents. Tony walks the talk. His involvement in the non-profit sector includes service on several boards, including the CFRE International Board of Directors, Washington D.C., the Association of Fundraising Professionals, CentrePoint for Non-profit Management, the Kelsey Institute Foundation, the ASTech Foundation, Public Legal Information Services, Sustainable Calgary, and other non-profit organizations in Canada and beyond.
Tony brings his passion, energy, enthusiasm, commitment, experience and knowledge to his work with civil sector leaders and fundraisers, globally. His skills and experience in strategic planning, board governance and development, major gift fundraising and NGO organizational assessment have placed him in demand as a speaker and consultant around the world. And he is the first to tell you that he loves his job and says he doesn’t really work, he just gets up every morning and goes to “joy” to further the cause of philanthropy in a world of abundance.
Tony and Erna are the proud parents of three children, and five grandchildren. Tony enjoys quality time with family and friends, gardening, reading, walking, and cross-country skiing.