Your Team
ViTreo has 32 energetic, experienced, and ethical professionals with expertise in non-profit strategy, planning, fundraising, leadership, governance, branding, communications, digital and traditional marketing, research, donor recognition, stewardship, design and design strategy, finance and accounting, community engagement, human resources, academic and health administration, capital planning, sport and sport management, and, events and event planning.
We have team members located in Edmonton, Vancouver, Calgary, Cranbrook, Nanton, Red Deer, Ottawa, Lacombe, Airdrie, and The Netherlands.
ViTreo’s professionals have worked in education, law, health, human services, culture, environment, government, engineering, Indigenous relations, banking, and business.
We work in English, French, Spanish, Romanian, Yoruba, Bemba, Nyanja, Russian, Mambwe, and Namwanga.
Collectively, our team has three law degrees, one engineering degree, 16 master's degrees (six MAs, five MBAs, two MScs, one MLIS, one MTS), and two PhDs.
In terms of certifications, we have seven certified fund raising executives (CFRE), three certified event management professionals (CEMP), two certified public accountants (CPA), one certified communications management professional (CMP), and one certified professional financial planner (PFP).