Weekly News Recap: February 12, 2016 Vincent DuckworthFebruary 12, 2016Bow Valley College, Airdrie, Airdrie Food Bank, Caldwell, CFEP, CIP, price of oil, National Music Centre, multitasking, Ellen Degeneres, Order of Canada, Jim Dinning, Don Taylor, Mary Rozsa de Coquet, Kim Sturgess, Richard Scaife, bequests, endowments, Detroit, collaboration, charity data, Canada Revenue Agency, CRA, corporate philanthropy, Danish Technical University, CN Railway, NOVA Chemicals, Red Deer College, haute couture, Rhino, anonymous donations, Annette Bloch, Jay Z, Blue MeridianComment
Weekly News Recap: February 5, 2016 Vincent DuckworthFebruary 5, 2016Lethbridge, Homeless, Red Deer College, National Music Centre, Government of Alberta, EscapeX, China, Max Bell Foundation, Roger Gibbons, Overhead, Franklinia Foundation, Goodwill stores, RxArt, AVTEC, BMO, MarvelComment
Weekly News Recap: January 29, 2016 Vincent DuckworthJanuary 29, 2016news of note, Calgary Public Library, Koch Brothers, Ron Southern, Netflix, Reed Hastings, Leonardo DiCaprio, environmental giving, corporate philanthropy, Adrian Sargeant, Ian MacQuillin, China, Mark Zuckerberg, climate change, Fellowship in Inclusion and Philanthropy, Mort Zuckerman, Iris Cantor, BHP, General Mills, Art Institute of ChicagoComment
Weekly News Recap: January 22, 2016 newsVincent DuckworthJanuary 22, 2016news of note, Ron Southern, Bill Gates, Bono, CCVO, Fundraising Effectiveness Project, Mount Royal University, Institute for Community Prosperity, PIPA, Kasian Architecture, Calgary arena project, CalgaryNext, Bob Baker, Citadel, Edmonton, Goodwill stores, Harvard, Quebec, President's Choice, charity runs, Corus, Radiothons, Leonardo DiCaprio, Australia, Grande Prairie, Ft. McMurrayComment
Weekly News Recap: January 15, 2016 newsVincent DuckworthJanuary 15, 2016politics, nonprofit newspapers, CanadaHelps, Hugh Hefner, Netflix, price of oil, David BowieComment
Weekly News Recap: January 8, 2016 newsVincent DuckworthJanuary 8, 2016news of note, Charles Bronfman, philanthropy almanac, price of oil, environmental giving, millennial philanthropy, Australia, Aboriginal, Detroit, Martin Shkreli, IPO charity set asides, Alberta Budget 2015-16, Calgary nonprofit fact sheet, Cathy Roozen, Chuck Feeney, blockchain, bitcoin, pocket notebooks, ConocoPhillips, Polio, Ellen DegeneresComment
Weekly News Recap: December 18, 2015 newsVincent DuckworthDecember 18, 2015news of note, Calgary Food Bank, Kirk Douglas, China, CFRE, Jim Moran, Indiana University, Papa Johns, Food Bank, CambrianComment
Weekly News Recap: December 11, 2015 newsVincent DuckworthDecember 11, 2015gift of art, NAIT, Jim Gray, bitcoin, price of oil, effective altruism, Mark Zuckerberg, National Gallery, Australia, news of noteComment